Effective Ways Of Creating More Brand Awareness In Nigeria

10 min readSep 21, 2020


There are different kinds of campaigns you’ll lead all through the lifetime of your brand positioning, regardless of whether on the web or paper, focusing on expected customers or current clients of your items/services will require a huge number of campaigns. Nonetheless, in this blog post, my fundamental spotlight will be on the Effective ways of creating more brand Awareness Campaigns in Nigeria.

On the off chance that you are an entrepreneur or even somebody who has a predictable side hustle outside of your 9–5, the idea of brand awareness may not be something you’ve thought about, and I get why. Life has a method of making things we ought to be centered around for the improvement of our businesses a bit of hindsight.

At the point when you are caught up with making your items or services, managing client assistance issues, taking care of finance, investing energy with family, endeavoring to remain social with companions, and gracious.. there’s that easily overlooked detail called to rest, it’s reasonable that speculation deliberately on approaches to expand your brand awareness may not be at the head of your rundown list! Notwithstanding, when you comprehend the advantages related to getting your brand ‘head of brain’ among your intended interest audience, you may start to reconsider the time brand awareness arranging ought to get.

As of recent, studies have indicated that brand awareness assumes a choosing function in which brand or business a buyer will pick when confronted with purchasing in a new class. Here you will discover everything you require to think about expanding brand awareness, including a handy brand awareness definition and a brand awareness procedure manage.

What is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is how customers perceive and recollect your business. The more prominent the brand awareness you have, the more audiences will be comfortable with your brand logo, pieces of information, and items.

This definition is wide, however, so is brand awareness. It’s a comprehensive term for how mindful and educated individuals are about what your brand has to bring to the table.

Why is Brand Awareness Important?

Brand awareness is significant because it enables audiences to understand, review, and become alright with your branding and items. If you can assemble brand awareness among your objective segment, you can enable your brand to get head of-mind when these buyers are prepared to research and make a buy.

Consider it.

Since customers as of now perceive your brand, they will be bound to purchase from your business then, state, a contender’s business with which they’re not as recognizable.

Brand awareness is frequently observed as the main phase of the marketing channel. By making brand awareness, you can project a wide net over your audience of expected purchasers. From that point, you can pipe leads towards the examination and dynamic cycles, and in the end the purchasing cycle.

To study these principle favorable circumstances, allude to our guide on the significance of brand awareness.

How Does Digital Marketing Increase Brand Awareness?

It is a well-known fact that individuals today spend a lot of their time on the web — over six hours out of every day– — which shows that the web isn’t a spot to miss in case you’re searching for brand awareness.

Get before purchasers where they are, and exploit all the energizing awareness openings accessible in the advanced present reality, and to come later on.

Presently, we should jump into a portion of the manners in which you can utilize computerized marketing to improve your brand awareness.

How Can I Build Online Brand Awareness For My Business In Nigeria?

There are numerous approaches to assemble, make, and build up brand awareness, however here are a couple of you can begin with today.

1.Start a Referral Program

One approach to accomplish brand awareness through the desired verbal marketing is to enable your steadfast customers to be your best promoters.

79% of Nigerian. shoppers state loved ones are their top wellsprings of brand awareness.

A referral program not just builds your range and the measure of individuals who know your name, yet it likewise brings that awareness from a source that individuals trust– — their loved ones. Numerous brands offer referral projects so you shouldn’t be left out.

2. Increase your natural social media presence

We’ll get into paid social media somewhat, later on, however a significant stop on the brand awareness train originates from natural social media.

It is safe to say that you are making content that is deserving of an adherent sending to a friend? Or then again, perhaps, in any event, tagging them?

In the previous, everything comes down to making content that is high-caliber, which triggers a passionate reaction, and that increases the value of a devotee’s life enough that they would need to impart it to a companion.

For the last mentioned, a social media challenge is an ideal method to get your followers tagging their network, a large number of whom might not have even known about you yet. There isn’t only one way a social media challenge should be possible — actually, there are many,– — however the most significant component they all offer is that they request that your follower’s tag, offer, or re-post your content in return for an opportunity to win a prize, and in doing as such, they gain you reach and brand awareness.

3. Build up a voice for your brand

As indicated by Adweek, building up a brand voice can enable your brand to be clingy in the brains of buyers. The voice your brand takes on can be amusing, enthusiastic, shrewd, nostalgic — it simply must be consistent with the brand and the audience you serve.

Having a special tone makes a brand paramount, It can go far when it comes down to awareness in the market.

7. Start a digital Podcast

On the journey of accomplishing more noteworthy brand awareness, the more worth you can add to buyers’ carries on with, the more probable they are to recollect you, recommend you, and ideally become customers.

Making a digital podcast doesn’t need to be as clear as simply discussing your item or administration, or remarking on the business that you’re in– — get inventive. It is safe to say that you are a wellness company? Meeting competitors having any kind of effect on their networks. Is it accurate to say that you are a delightful brand? Plunge into the science behind making various serums, hair care things, or cosmetics.

Consider which regions your group might be specialists in, or outside specialists you could use, and make a bit of content that increases the value of audience members’ lives, however when branded accurately, can do some amazing things for your brand awareness.

8. Participate in brand partnerships

In case you’re hoping to expand your brand awareness, odds are other similar brands are appearing to be identical, isn’t that so?

Connecting up with another brand accomplishes something other than consolidating the two organizations’ compasses — it additionally manufactures trust among the two audiences. On the off chance that they like Brand An, and Brand An is banding together with Brand B, possibly Brand B is somebody they should think about, as well.

An incredible case of a brand association is BuzzFeed and Best Friends Animal Society. Together, the two brands made a bit of content meeting notable entertainer Emma Watson while she played with delightful cats. A savvy article for some reasons (for example adorable creatures), the piece gave an incredible brand awareness second for the two accomplices.

9. Part with something for nothing

Seeking awareness for your brand isn’t an ideal opportunity to request that individuals hack up money. Rather, giving them a sample of what you have to bring to the table without the responsibility of installment can assist you with building brand and increment awareness.

On the off chance that you offer a membership administration, this could come as a free preliminary. In what manner can somebody know what your identity is on the off chance that they haven’t had the option to evaluate your administration? They might know about your name, yet giving them access– — even restricted admittance — to your contributions can deepen that awareness.

If you offer an item, this could come as free examples. You may recollect in 2016 when Girlfriend Collective almost split the web parting with free tights. They went from a brand new, obscure brand to 10,000 requests upon the arrival of their official dispatch.

The Most Effective Method To Increase Brand Awareness In Nigeria

When you make sense of how to make a brand awareness technique in Nigeria, you’ll need to realize how to improve brand awareness and how to raise brand awareness.

That is the place these strategies come in:

1. Utilize native advertising

Utilizing native advertising is one of the best methods of expanding brand awareness and prevailing upon new customers. Since they fit directly into their encompassing content and acquire validity from their host distributing destinations, native advertisements assist you with contacting individuals where they’re as of now perusing and locks in.

Let’s assume you present native promotions on distributions like LindaIkeji’s Blog or The NationNg, you gain the entrance and trust of their huge reader bases by giving recommended content toward the finish of their articles, this way:

The appeal of native advertisements is anything but difficult to see. They’re non-nosy, effectively adaptable, and adjustable with important informing. This is the reason native advertising is hoping to involve over 60% of the advanced showcase market this year, storing up to $41.14 billion in spending.

You can utilize content disclosure platforms, like Taboola, Mgid, Propeller Ads, Adcash, etc to build brand awareness through native advertising. These Platforms appropriate your branded content — , for example, articles and recordings — across top publisher websites on the open web. Along these lines, you can dispatch niche marketing strategies that arrive at your intended interest audience and fill the head of the pipe with individuals who are now keen on your content and items.

2. Run Facebook and Instagram promotions

Your customer’s brand most likely as of now has a social media presence, however, they experience difficulty developing their followings and engagement measurements. They need content advertising strategies that dispatch advertisements on social media.

By running brand-awareness advertisements, you can contact new individuals who may be keen on your customer’s brand and even objective audiences dependent on explicit practices and inclinations. Advertisements likewise assist brands with circumnavigating bothersome calculations that can hurt natural reach.

On Facebook and Instagram, you can dispatch brand-awareness campaigns that improve your range and review. Facebook recommends utilizing video and merry go round promotions (which incorporate a progression of media) to target clients who may be keen on your informing. You can target audiences by classes, for example, age, area, sexual orientation, intrigue, and gadget. You can even make ‘copy’ audiences of individuals who are like your customer’s current audience, so you can arrive at the individuals who are well on the way to change over.

3. Run promotions on Twitter

On Twitter, you can dispatch brand-awareness campaigns by advancing your tweets and paying for impressions rather than engagements. You set your offer sum per 1,000 impressions and Twitter streamlines your mission for the most ideal reach.

4. Cooperate with influencers to audit your brand

In case you’re experiencing difficulty associating with your intended interest audience, you might need to have a go at contacting them through their preferred creators and influencers. Shoppers trust recommendations from influencers more than customary promotions or even VIP supports. Brands earned a normal of $7.65 for each $1 spent on influencer marketing in 2017.

Business owners can begin influencer-marketing campaigns by discovering influencers in important enterprises and connecting with organization thoughts. You can do this by basically looking through applicable keywords on social channels and filtering through the posts for influencer content.

You can likewise look at the #sponsored hashtags on Twitter and Instagram to see which influencers are as of now working with brands in your industry. You may even utilize influencer-marketing platforms like Plaqad and Upfluence to do the legwork for you. When you locate the correct influencers, you can bless them free items in return for reviews.

5. Cooperate with influencers to make content

On the off chance that free items or services in return for a survey aren’t your things, you can likewise use influencers to make bits of content.

Influencers know the kind of content that reverberates with their audience, and by working with them, they can make a bit of content that looks extraordinary, however that will hit a harmony with their dependable adherent base, making them mindful of your brand from a source that they trust.

How Do I Measure My Brand Awareness?

With these strategies to browse, presently you may be thinking about how to measure brand awareness. This will depend upon your brand awareness targets.

On the off chance that you are hoping to build brand awareness through native advertising, for example, you’ll track measurements, for example, impressions, navigate rates, and website traffic.

In case you’re hoping to fabricate brand awareness on social media, you’ll track your different social media page analytics contained.

In particular, you’ll need to reliably screen your campaigns so you can streamline as per individuals’ inclinations and practices, and effectively increment brand awareness among your intended interest group.

Some Final Thoughts:

Building brand awareness in Nigeria doesn’t need to be as overwhelming as it would appear. On the off chance that you take out anything from this blog post, recollect this:

(a) Brand awareness is significant because it assists individuals with recollecting your items and your central goal.

(b) Creating Blog posts, infographics, as related to your brand, are an incredible method, to begin with.

© Don’t forget Native advertising, social media, and influencer partnerships are an incredible method also, to begin with, the conveyance of that content.

At last, recall that brand awareness isn’t “one and done.” Keep testing new strategies to perceive what has the greatest effect.

READ MORE: Effective Ways Of Creating More Brand Awareness In Nigeria

📷Image Credit: Yan/Pexels




Written by Ikonerx

Ikonerx exists to create a meaningful experience between brands, people, and culture.

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